Tuesday, 27 March 2012

Closing Statements

The time has come to draw my inquiry project to an end. I have learned so much over the past three months, and feel like I have moved from an intermediate user to an expert user. I can see the value of Twitter and Skype when forming educational communities among teachers. I wish I could have created a Ning, but my exploration of G-Whizz supplemented it's absence. G-Whizz helped me keep my apps organized, and allowed me to quickly check all my accounts, without having to go to five different apps.

I enjoyed downloading podcasts, and creating one. I enjoyed creating a digital story even more. I think I might start making a digital story for each of my classes, as a year end gift. Each student would receive a CD with the digital story of their year in class. What a great way to document a teaching career.

Thank you Joanne for facilitating this learning experience, and I hope to do more courses with you in the future. Thank you to my classmates, and fellow bloggers, I have enjoyed following you and your journeys. I close with what will you continue to do with your Web 2.0?


web-20-what-is.jpg. Retrieved
      from http://seospin.net/web-2-0-%E2%80%93-death-of-seo/

Monday, 26 March 2012

Digital Storytelling

Prior Knowledge:

Previous to this experience I believed digital storytelling had to do with telling a story (such as a picture book) through digital media. In a way I was correct. Digital story telling does express a story, but as Wikipedia states, it is "a short form of digital film-making that allows everyday people to share aspects of their life story." Wikipedia also states that "digital stories are short 2 to 3 minute multimedia movies that combine photographs, video, animation, sound, music, text, and often a narrative voice."

The Process:

In the past I have used iMovie to create a short slideshow with music running as it panned through the pictures. I wanted to incorporate these skills, but also try applying the skills I learned while creating my Podcast. Creating the audio file was a lot easier this time, and there were fewer issues with the program. I did have to record the narrative voice twice, as the first time the entire audio clip did not export properly from Audacity. I used my USB headset and microphone to record the narrative, and exported the file into a usable .mp3. Once the file is exported, I double clicked it, and it automatically is added to the iTunes Library. 

Adding photographs
The next step was to collect photographs to accompany my narrative. For the purpose of this inquiry-based investigation, I focused my digital story on my first three years of teaching. I consider my life to unfold in chapters, and those these chapters are completed they are certainly not forgotten. I had to hunt through three different computers to find all the images I wanted, but I managed to collect enough photographs to fill a story 3 minutes long.

iMovie has some wonderful features, as it will connect directly to the iPhoto library, and the iTunes library without having to dig around. Once I had all the photos selected I dragged and dropped them from the iPhoto tab into the iMovie Project window. In the project window, I was able to move the photos around to the order I wanted and delete photos that did not fit the story. I also dragged and dropped the Digital Storytelling.mp3 from the iTunes library and simply laid the audio over the images. 

Adding Music
This is the point I hit a small snag, I had more images than audio time. As digital stories also incorporate music into the media, I thought I should also try this. At this point I thought about the purpose of this digital story. My purpose is to express my time with my two classes and my first three years of teaching. In a way this video is a tribute to my students and the two First Nations bands I worked with. I thought adding, "Will You Remember Me" - by Sarah McLachlan would be fitting. I did not actually have this track, so I went to the iTunes store and bought a copy of the track. Thank you iTunes Store.

Once the track was downloaded into my iTunes library, I could use the same function and drag and drop the file over the rest of the images. iMovie will cut the song off to the point where the photographs end. This is a nice feature, as it saved me from having to fiddle with the length. I did try to fade the sound off on the last track, but for some reason the song just stops. 

I watched the story run through it's length, and honestly got a bit emotional (good or poor choice of song, I'm not sure). As I was previewing, I noticed some of the slides were not fading the way they should. iMovie has a built in feature, the 'Ken Burns effect.' "The Ken Burns effect is a popular name for a type of panning and zooming effect used in video production from still imagery." (Ken Burns Effect, Wikipedia, 2012). In iMovie I can adjust where the panning begins on a slide and where it ends. Two of the slides initially had heads cut off. I also adjusted the order of three slides so they better fit with the audio tracks.
Exporting to QuickTime Player

With all the editing completed, I had to export the project. Usually the Export option is located in the File menu, however, in iMovie it is located under the Sharing menu. The file was exported and is now available in a .mp4 file.

Classroom Application:

I can see digital storytelling being used in two ways:
   1) As a tool to help instruct lesson materials. Students, especially auditory and visual learners, often respond better to movies. If teachers could apply digital stories to their lessons students may be more likely to retain key information. For example, in Social Studies 8 students learn about the Middle Ages. If digital stories were created about the fife system, demonstrating how it impacted individual lives students may connect to the content.

   2) Students create digital stories. In September students are getting to know their classmates, and their teachers. What a great way to start the year off, with digital stories by each student. Students could collect images of their lives and incorporate them into a digital story using music, audio and/or other creative expressions. Students could also use digital stories for presentations. 

The digital story I created was using Audacity, iMovie, and iTunes. Students could use Power Point, MovieMaker, or VoiceThread to create their own digital stories. Their life stories and their imaginations are the limit.


Digital Storytelling. Retrieved 

Ken Burns effect. Retrieved from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ken_Burns_effect

Wednesday, 21 March 2012

Modern Alphabet

I came across this on Pinterest, and thought it was cute.

Creating a Podcast

Prior Knowledge:

Podcasts are audio or visual files that express information about a subject. Podcasts can range from political, educational, to recreational even scientific. Podcasts are designed to inform the listener or audience. Each podcast has an intended audience, though the purposes of podcasts may vary. Some people who podcast use them as a means of income, others use them as a means to have their voices heard. Podcasts are media expression.

The Process:

I started this investigation by accessing some tutorials and websites on the how to's of Podcasting. The two pages that gave me the best results were directly from Apple: http://www.apple.com/itunes/podcasts/specs.html and http://www.how-to-podcast-tutorial.com/15-audacity-download.htm

Apple walks the user through step by step, as does the How to Podcast Tutorial. The tutorial page was a bit more beneficial for me as it provided links to audio recording software. Audacity is software users can download to their applications. The program is very user friendly. I simply plugged in my USB headphone and microphone set, and it automatically read the headset.

I did a short test run to make sure the software was reading my voice. I created a short 2 minute podcast on the topic of 21st education. I saved the file, but Audacity saves their audio recordings in a .aup format. This format can only be read by the Audacity application. In order to create a file that is readable by most users I had to export the file and convert to .mp3. Audacity has a built in converter called LAME. I, however, had not downloaded it in my initial download, so I had to revisit the Tutorial page and get the additional plug in. Also note, even if you have downloaded the plug-in, you still have to install the software before it will be readable by Audacity. (Yes, I tried to jump the gun).

Once the software is installed, I went to Audacity, file, Export. Clicked Okay, and Voila! I now have a short, converted .mp3 podcast.

Now I have to upload the file, which is proving to be difficult. I have created .mp3 file, this is only audio. Blogger accepts video files to be uploaded. I have tried two different techniques to convert into a video format. First was using iMovie. This proved frustrating as I had to keep applying a picture for the audio to play over. The second way is using QuickTime Player. I opened my .mp3 and saved it as a .mov. The .mov was not accepted by Blogger, so I have Exported the file a second time and changed it to a .mp4 format. This did not work either, and the "There has been an error processing your video" popup window has once again graced my screen.

I have now enlisted my husband's assistance. It turns out I had to upload the file to a different server, in my case, onto my Telus server, and link to it through Blogger. If you are interested in checking out my podcast, please click on the link.


Class Application:

I can see students using podcasts to deliver presentations. Some students become very anxious when doing a presentation for a class. Focus on Inquiry emphasizes the importance of students feeling successful and confident through their inquiry-based learning projects (2004). If a student is less comfortable speaking in front of the class teacher should be willing to make adjustments. Podcasts would integrate the technology curriculum, while meeting the communication outcomes.

Students could also be encouraged to create podcasts about their learning, an audio or video journal. This could especially benefit students who have difficulty using expressive written language.

Our classrooms are supposed to incorporate differentiation, podcasts are one differentiation tool I will be encouraging my students to access.


"Focus on Inquiry: A Teacher's guide to implementing inquiry-based learning."
     (2004). Edmonton, AB: Alberta Learning. Retrieved from

How to Podcast: The difinitive step-by-step guide on how to podcast without 
     breaking the bank. Retrieved from http://www.how-to-podcast-

Making a Podcast. Retrieved
     from http://www.apple.com/itunes/podcasts/specs.html

Updated Proposal

Revamping my original proposal:

Jan 29 - Feb 4:  Twitter (Continuing Investigation)
                          Objectives: Create a Twitter account
                          Download Twitter App to iPod Touch
                          Start following at least 5 people professionally and 5 people personally
                          Participate (don't just observe)
                          Make posts
                          Reflect on process
                     GoogleReader (Continuing Investigation
                         Objectives: Add GoogleReader to iGoogle account
                         Add at least four classmates blogs
                         Follow regularly
                         Locate an app for Google Reader for iPod Touch
                         Reflect on process

Feb 5 - 25:  Survey Monkey - Create a short survey for personal use. Objectives: Observe how to set up a survey
                     Observe how data is forwarded and collected
                     Reflect on process

Feb 12 :  Online communication - Skype (Continuing Investigation)
                  Objectives: Create an account on laptop
                  Download Skype App to iPod touch
                  Communicate with a friend
                  Reflect on process, post screen shots of a conversation in progress.

Feb 19  - March: Podcasts - for listening
                 Ojectives: Use iTunes to find Podcasts relevant to Libraries
                 Download Podcasts to computer
                 Sync to iPod Classic
                 Listen to Podcasts
                 Reflect on process
               Create a Podcast
                 Objectives: Research methods to create a podcast
                 Suggestions - http://www.apple.com/itunes/podcasts/specs.html
                 Choose a topic to Podcast
                 Write a script to record
                 Use methods
                 Record procedure
                 Post podcast on Internet
                 Choose an audience to listen to Podcast (dependent upon topic)
                 Get audience feedback
                 Reflect on process and audience feedback

Feb 25 - March: Google Apps (Continuing Investigation)
               Objectives: Investigate the G Whizz! App
               Download the App to iPod Touch
               Investigate the features
               Reflect on uses of the app and how it has benefitted the class inquiry project

Feb 26 - March: Nings
              Objectives: Create a Ning Network for the staff at school as a message system for        
              Restorative Practice
              Download Ning App to iPod Touch
              Add colleagues
              Use both laptop and iPod Touch to maintain network
              Make posts
              Reflect on process

Mar 18- 24: Digital Storytelling Tool
             Objectives: Research different tools and methods:
             Choose at least three tools or methods
             Use these tools to create a digital story
             Post Story
             Reflect on process and student feedback

Mar 18 - 24: Extra Reflection Time

Blog posts complete by March 28

Final reflection April 1

Another crack at Education Ning

Sadly the education.ning.com is still under maintenance. This has really put a dampener on my investigation. I have, however, come across a post be Steve Hargadon. He is a blogger, and started the Classroom 2.0 website discussed in Current Events #5. Hargadon is the Emerging Technologies Chair for ISTE, the author of 'Educational Networking: The Important Role Web 2.0 Will Play in Education,' the recipient of the 2010 Technology in Learning Leadership Award (CUE), and a blogger at www.SteveHargadon.com."

On August 23, 2007 Hargadon wrote a blog post regarding Ning's and the development of education.ning.com. After he have created Classroom 2.0 he saw the benefits of social networking and education. he suggested to the creator of Ning.com to go on an educational route and, as he stated in his blog, "so education.ning.com was born."

His hope with education.ning.com is to establish a location where educators can share their ideas, thoughts and feelings on education in a safe environment. I believe this philosophy can and is being stretched further as educators start to create education Nings for their classrooms. The potential for social networks in the classroom are vast.

Kist (2010) defines the Ning with other social networking, meaning "the kind of communication that takes place online using some kind of platform (Web site) such as Facebook, Twitter, or Ning in which people can place messages and connect with others who are on the Website." Overall the Ning will provide students and teachers, depending on who the target group is, with a social networking platform outside of Facebook and Twitter (but still could be connected to both) where students and teachers can discuss important topics in education.

Kist (2010) expresses an example where a teacher "Tom" has used a Ning in his classroom for a project. The Ning is set up as a discussion board where he has posted several topics, and students have the freedom to add their own discussion topics as well. He states, "The Ning was the space in the project that was more appropriate for expressing opinions..." Students were given a safe judge-free environment to comment on their projects and their beliefs.

I think once education.ning.com has completed it's maintenance I will be investigating the Ning set up. I realize this may take place after this course has been completed, but I think this could be beneficial to some of the classes I am working with. I think even younger grades, where students are starting to use social networking more actively, this could peak their interests and engage them in expressing their learning. My French 7 class might even get on board, but they might be 'too cool' for Nings too.


Hargadon, S. (2004). About Me. Retrieved from

Hargadon, S. (August 23, 2007). Starting a New "Ning in Education" Network

Kist, W. (2010). The Socially Networked Classroom: Teaching in the new media
     age. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin.

Current Events #5 - Ning

Part of my inquiry project was to look into Ning.com. I was curious about what others had to say about the Social netorking system. In this blog post, Seth discusses his concerns regarding the Advertisements being posted on the Ning platform, in this case by Google Ads. Take a look at the advertisement he is talking about. I would be offended and concerned to see it on my Ning too!

I also wanted to see what sorts of Nings are already set up for educators and I came across The Educator's PLN - The Personal learning network for educators. You can join their site through google, facebook or twitter. They have discussion boards, videos, groups on specific topics of interest. It looks like it could be very useful in the Web 2.0 world. 

Additionally - Not a Ning, but another social network - Classroom 2.0: Web 2.0, Social Media and More is set up in the same style, but teachers are specifically focused on integrating Web 2.0 and technology into their classrooms. They even have a group called Classroom 2.0 Beginner Group.



Classroom 2.0: Web 2.0, Social Media, & More. Retrieved
     from http://www.classroom20.com/

Dickens, S. (2009, January 6). "Ning Social Networks - Unsuitable for education?"
     Digitalang: Making Ed Tech assessible since 2007. [Web log post]
     Retrieved from http://www.digitalang.com/2009/01/ning-social-networks-

The Educator's PLN: The personal learning network for educators. Retrieved
     from http://edupln.ning.com/

Current Events #4 - 21st Century School District

This article comes from the New York Times. I came across this article and was thrilled to read that the 21st century education can work, and how this school has made differences in the socio-economics of its town. The economic recession did not impact this community as everyone wants to buy a house there and enroll their children in district wide program. Read more and find out why.


Schwarz, A. (2012). "Grading the Digital School: Mooresville's Shining Example
     (It's not just about the laptops)." The New York Times 
     Retrieved from http://www.nytimes.com/2012/02/13/education/mooresville-

Current Events #3 - Facebook Addictions?

I found this article in the Globe and Mail. The article itself is nothing special, it discusses a study conducted by the University of Chicago Booth School of Business about the addictive nature of social networking and how hard it can be to resist.

I found the comments people posted responding to it quite interesting. Many of them are quite negative towards Facebook, saying it doesn't provide us with anything or that their privacy policies are wrong.

What are your thoughts on social networks? Are Twitter and Facebook running our lives? Are you unable to ignore the urge?


Anderssen, E. (2012). "Is Facebook as addictive as cigarettes?" The Globe and
     Mail. Retrieved from http://www.theglobeandmail.com/life/the-hot-

Current Events #2 - Appitic.com

I came across this article while doing research for one of my other classes. The article discusses a website Appitic - 1,300+ EDUapps - http://appitic.com/ which provides a list of relevant Apps for education purposes. The article also acknowledges the time the creator spends per week filtering through all the apps currently available. Are there any on her lists you already have? Are there any that you can't wait to add?


Barack, L. (2012). Apps You Can Trust. School Library Journal 58(1), 12.

Current Events #1 - New iPad Apps

I realized that I have ben forgetting to add current events onto my blog, so today I am adding five posts about different articles that relate to the Web 2.0 ways. The first, a colleague of mine suggested Gizmodo.com. He frequents it for the latest and greatest in Technology.

Gizmodo posted three articles regarding Apple's new Apps - iBooks2, iBooks Author and iTunes U. iBooks 2 is the new platform as a textbook reader. It has many features as you will see when you read the article, and some draw backs, such as a lack in Web 2.0 Social Networking capabilities. iBooks Author is a textbook creation app. Anyone can now create a Textbook. (Can we see the problems there?) iTunes U allows you to take online courses for free. I have downloaded the app to my iPod Touch, but have not played with it yet.

I think the implications of these apps is pretty straightforward. So we need an iPad to use the textbooks (but need enough space on the hard-drive to keep them all). We can all now create textbooks, because the regular Joe is an expert on all subjects (what about spelling, grammar, and oh COPYRIGHT!). iTunes U gives out free courses - I definitely plan to check out the App and get back to on it's worth.


Apple's iPad Textbooks: Everything You Need to Know about iBooks 2. Retrieved
     from: http://gizmodo.com/5877500/apples-ipad-textbooks-everything-you-

Apple Releases iBooks 2, iTunes U and iBooks Author for Interactive 
     Textbooks.  Retrieved from http://gizmodo.com/5877513/apple-launches-

iTunes U Puts Entire College Courses on Your iPad. Retrieved
     from http://gizmodo.com/5877532/itunes-u-puts-entire-college-courses-on-

Sunday, 11 March 2012


Prior Knowledge:

I am aware that a Ning is a social networking platform. Kist states, "The name "Ning" comes from the Website Ning.com that provides free networking space for any group of people who want to form an online community" (2010). The Ning is similar to Facebook, in that "participants create a profile and then post comments and questions to the group" (Kist, 2010).  Kist explains that teachers are using Nings as a safe location for students to interact on the Internet using a social media platform other than Facebook (2010).

Wikipedia goes further to explain that "Ning offers customers the ability to create a community website with a customized appearance and feel, feature sets such as photos, videos, forums and blogs..." and supports other social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter.

The process:

So two hang ups today. I wanted to sign up for the Educational version of Ning, but their website is currently under construction and maintenance. I, then, went to Ning's main page, where they say you may have a 30-day Free trial experience. What they don't tell you until after you have started the process, is they want your billing information up front. This lovely catch allows them to automatically credit your credit card on the 30th day. I personally do not feel comfortable pursuing this line of investigation, as I do not feel comfortable giving my billing information (especially after a recent credit card fraud experience). I will thus be changing my Proposal.


Kist, W. (2010). The Social Networked Classroom: Teaching in the new media age.
     Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin.

ning-logo2.png. Retrieved from

Ning (website). Retrieved from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ning_(website)